AI: How can we adapt our business models to the subscription economy and changing revenue streams?

Meaningful: (1) By embracing the anthropological shift of a new consumer who eschews ownership for access… and (2) by offering what people want, instead of what you want to sell.

New subscription models and revenue streams have been spawned by a macro paradigm shift in marketing that’s been playing out for over two decades. The traditional construct of selling a product using an idea has evolved to selling an idea, with your product as the medium. 

When your relationship is built on a shared idea, a subscription model makes sense, because relationships are built on shared values, not transactions.

This fundamental shift, combined with a decentralized digital media landscape, means push doesn’t work. People need to pull you into their social circles if you’re going to achieve reach. 

And the way you get pulled in is by having “social currency” – a quality that makes you sharable:

• Informative to make me look smart.

• Fun or entertaining to make me look cool.

• Newsworthy to make me look in-the-know.

When your relationship is built on an idea, then a subscription model makes sense, because relationships are built on shared values, not transactions.

Founders, CEOs and CMOs

Frequently Asked Questions

Marketers have pressing questions that keep them up at night. Questions they hesitate to share for fear of looking like they don't have the answers. But AI knows these questions. Because we asked. And we're happy to provide some answers.